Thursday, September 11, 2008

@ What About Now? - Chris Daughtry.

baby, before its too late...what about now?

It was raining heavily.

It was almost 9 in the night.
he came home exhausted from a long day's work in the office,
the day was
because the routine was as heavy as it was,
added with the boss's demands that sound like they need forever.

Almost drenched...after the hell he just went through
in the traffic congestion on the way home,
he stepped into the house..

wishing that there would be someone to ask him how's his day..
hoping that he'll get to hug her,
with a voice telling him softly to his ears that everything's alright..
familiar and reassuring,
looking forward to a dinner with her to tell her about his day..
the house was
he could even hear his own breathing,
he looked around again...there was
no one,
she was not there.

Just as he settled down after a warm bath...
he realised the sky was still pouring.
"Tonight's gonna be cold." he whispered to himself.
"Even colder without her." he thought.

Sighing, he sat down on the sofa...thinking about her.
The times both spend together along the beach,
the moment where both teased each other before going to bed,
the weekends he'd spend all day with her just looking at her face,
looking into her eyes...
he just love listening to her.
every single piece of memory seems to be flooding back.
as vividly as they just happened a few days ago...

The moment he realised that he had dozed off,
he was awaken by knockings on his door...
he checked the clock on the wall,
it was already 11. "wow."
as he dragged himself approaching the door...
He opened it carefully,
trying to catch a glimpse of the person...


it has been 7 years since.
*a moment of silence*

what about now?
what about today?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

@ Inconsolable - Backstreet Boys.

how i wish i could find the words to say.

finals are
here and on-going.

applied psychology
counseling skills & techniques I
research methods in behavioral science
cognitive psychology

last day: 20th of September.

why la why?
should i cry?

no, i should be studying.

happy birthday!
to all september budaks.
kevin, jesse, adrian, yin wey, my mother
qemmal (blogger), li yan, jasmin (sis' friend),
gillian (rach's sis), atiqah, xiao toong, marc,
shaun ellis, kit yee.

left out anyone? nudge me. =D

Ahmad should be arrested under ISA.
Badawi and Najib should stop being his parents.
your son is grown
with the ability to reproduce
already lah woi.
oh no...grandfather?


it makes me sick.
it makes me weak.
my heart wants to break.
afterall i might be a freak.
feelings are at leak,
climbing to the very peak.
-and remains-
loveS You.

Monday, September 8, 2008

test test bump bump

new layout!